Amiy Mori is a photographer known for her many portraits of Hollywood stars and world-renown individuals. Her collaboration with various embassies within Japan, the Tourism Ministry and large corporations has made her a media producer with a wide following. She has also produced columns and specials in women’s magazines and has numerous one-woman shows of her work in department stores such as Prime Temps Ginza. Known as an expert in travel, she also works as an instructor and adviser for high-end restaurant chains, hotels, and Japanese ryokans. In the aftermath of the 2011 disaster that struck northeastern Japan she was hired as the adviser for the Spa Resort Hawaiian in Fukushima. She is well known for her appearances on radio. She is one of Japan’s few multi-faceted artists.
As a movie director she is known for Koikyokusei, released throughout Japan in 2009. For this she was nominated for the Best New Director Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Currently she is working on several projects within Japan and abroad that she has written and is directing.
In 2010 she was to begin working with Dentsu on a project for the regional development project surrounding the Tokyo SkyTree but the disaster that struck in 2011 put this project on hold. She instead began working on airing movies in the Tohoku region of Japan and traveled throughout cities in the region from Ofunato to Iwaki. She was highly recognized for her Christmas Illumination Project for the City of Kesennuma.
She is also known for her regular television appearances in Fukuoka. Starting in 2014, she created a movie for Yamazaki Bread Company, and in 2016 after the Kumamoto Earthquake she this followed with a movie for the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry and the Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization creating a program aimed at foreign tourists called “A City to Encounter Wine”. Her work can also be seen on NET TV’s “FRESH! TV” and “AMIY’S SUMMER FESTIVAL 2017”.
In 2017 she established, JapanSearch Inc. a portal site highlighting Japan’s beauty and refinement and also founded
In 2018, all international flights on Japan Airlines began showing her “A City to Encounter Wine”, a series she produced and directed with the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.
In 2019, one of the cities she worked with was nominated by the Tourism Ministry as a successful model for representing regional redevelopment. In 2020 she was asked the Tourism Ministry to design the logo for Japan for the Japan Sustainable Tourism Standard for Destinations. In June 2020 the selection of her logo was made public.
Amiy’s short movie in
The Three Munakata Goddesses
Kyoto Kouyo• Ninnaji , Toji
The City to Encounter Wine in Fukuoka
2009 年に全国公開された映画「恋極星」(主演:戸田恵梨香 主題歌:青山テルマ )で初監督とは思えない類まれな映像センスを発揮。 「上海国 際映画祭」において新人監督賞にノミネート された。
現在、自らが原作・脚本・監督 を担当する「DONOR」「僕は私」等、いくつかの映画プロジェクトを国内、海外にて進めている。

写真家として数多くのトップハリウッドスターや各界の著名人のポートレイトなどを撮影 。各国大使館や観光局・企業とのコラボレーションで、「和楽」や「MensEX」「SPUR」「nonno」「ELLE」「VOGE」などのメジャー雑誌等の特集企画ページをプロデュースするなど、メディアプロデューサーとしての顔を持つフォトグラファー。

また、設計を含めた地域開発総合プロデューサーに就任した経験もある。2011年の震災時は「東北応援映画上映 ボランティア 」を主宰。 大船渡~いわき市まで 「寅さん」や「アニメ」等の 映画上映を2年にわたり各地で展開。 2012年12月には気仙沼市共催のクリスマスイルミネーションプロジェクトを企画プロデュースし話題となる 。


